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Meryl Greaves Agent

Palm Lakes Estate Resident Agent :

I have been a very active estate agent for nearly 20 years. I started my career with Seeff Properties on the Berea where I lived and have many fond memories of helping my clients find their perfect homes. For years my 3 sons encouraged me to “move north” they said repeatedly. Finally when I turned 60 I decided to start looking “north”. Well I looked and looked and then I found an advert of a plot for sale in Palm Lakes Estate. Of course I knew nothing of this Estate but at least it was in the right direction. We came to view on a cold Saturday morning and that was that. I was hooked – totally and completely. I bought my land and built my dream house right on the dam. I have never been so happy and content as I am now. I joined Lloyds team in Ballito and what a team we are! A happy bunch who all work together for the good of our clients. I wonder how many folk can honestly say that they are doing a job which they absolutely love…. Well I am. With the continued guidance of our CEO Wim Sak and his lovely wife Olivia our estate is becoming known for its fantastic facilities and security. The estate is growing at a dizzy rate and with it so are our facilities. Potential purchasers are blown away with our gardens, the various dams and picnic sites, our clubhouses and their facilities and of course the security is just amazing. Trinity House and the Prestige Baby Academy are great for all the young families living here. I am so happy here I have further invested in a unit in the very popular Palm Lakes Retirement Village which I will rent out until I need it. With its care facility in place I know my old age is taken care of. Until then I am the luckiest agent around and here to help my clients find their dream homes. Oh and a bonus is all the new clients little ones who call me granny or gogo and the clients my age who have become fast friends.