
REDZetc Mpumalanga

Margie van Rooyen - person_noimage.svg
Margie van Rooyen FETC: Real Estate, MPRE

Margie has 15 years' experience in the Real Estate Industry. Her passion, drive to succeed and marketing skills contributed to her selling a development in Nelspruit which consisted of 75 stands within 48 hours.
Margies' energetic nature spills over from the hospitality industry, running the comrades, and participating in extreme sports, reflects in her current career in Marloth Park and Nelspruit.
Margie is always willing and able to go beyond the "call of duty". Driven by perfection causes her to extend her knowledge by assisting the local Municipality with evaluations and Land Use Management Scheme.
Clients can rest assured, that all these contributions reflect the value she offers.