
REDZetc Mpumalanga

Nadine Edgecombe - person_noimage.svg
Nadine Edgecombe Intern Agent

Nadine is married with 2 children from a previous marriage. She moved to Marloth Park four and a half years ago from Hartbeespoort Dam. Nadine is a professional golfer with the WPGA and she played Provincial as well as for South Africa as an amateur. Nadine turned professional in 2003 to give back to the sport by teaching development golf to school children in her spare time. Nadine will be starting next year in the Nkomazi area as she found it so rewarding not only teaching golf, but life skills.
Nadine is also the Chairperson of the Community Policing Forum in Marloth and has been for the past two years, giving back to a community she resides in.