
Tyson Properties Ballito

Charlene Van Den Bergh - tPX9.webp
Charlene Van Den Bergh Property Practitioner

I am self-confident and experienced within the sales and marketing environments and create professional relationships with ease. I have a pragmatic orientation towards business, and I project the image of Tyson Properties with integrity. I uphold the values of Tyson Properties and experience has taught me the necessity of high service standards.

As most companies offer similar products to their competitors' success is achieved by offering exceptional service and that is what I strive for on a daily basis.

My professional manner expressed warmth and friendliness endear me easily to people. I have a strong value system and am careful not to compromise this. One of my strongest points is relationship building. Service, loyalty and sincerity are my top priority, and I always endeavor to go the extra mile. Let's Talk!