
Tyson Properties Commercial Morningside Office

Fathima Kadwa - 939u.webp
Fathima Kadwa Agent

I love a challenge!!!

After being widowed in 1988, I raised 3 children who were then 5, 6 and 7 years old. With strength from the Almighty I rose to this challenge!

I have a diploma in Business Economics and wanted to get back to work. I chose Real Estate as I felt it suited my personality and again gave me challenges. In 2008, I joined Leapfrog, a very new company. I instantly worked hard and listed properties. In my second year I was the top agent. A year later I moved to Tyson Properties. I joined Tyson Properties as I felt they were innovative and professional. The Tyson brand is well recognized and they have grown from strength to strength and constantly challenge us to grow as they do. I work with a formidable team.

My motto is "Honesty is the best policy" which has brought me to where I am today and will keep me growing my business within the brand and allowing me to challenge myself to rise to new heights.